Sunday, 22 June 2014

The day I crossed that red bridge (1)

Back to San Francisco for a couple of posts. If I remember well this was my last day in San Francisco and I had decided to go back home to Japan without soles on my shoes. So I walked, from China Town to Tenderloin to Hayes Valley to Haight-Ashbury. For a start. All of this up and down the hills, of course. But it was great, I enjoyed every moment of it because it is still the best way to explore a city. 
San Francisco is a multi-facetted city with a legion of imaginary borders between the various towns and high contrasts between wealthy areas and underprivileged neighbourhoods.

See the triangular tower in the centre of the picture? That is where the journey started in the morning. And this is the Alamo Square Park which, in my memory, will always be associated with the moon, just because a lone stroller asked me if I had seen the beautiful full moon the night before (I did and it was indeed beautiful).

And here is Ashbury, the land of Happy, Healthy and Horny, the magical triple H. Too bad it was on a Sunday and some of the shops were closed. Many, many vintage shops though, I loved it, needless to say.

To be continued….


  1. Wow!! My town -- but these are places the locals rarely go like those Victorians and Haight Street. I am curious where else you went....

  2. I've been all over down town, Pamela, really liked San Francisco, what a great place to visit!

    1. Great place to live too! Too bad I missed meeting you.

    2. Hopefully there will be a next time and we can meet!

  3. Wonderful photos and walk, Marie! haha, I took the bus exactly from the magical triple H spot - have a photo of it too :D

  4. Haha, that's a funny coincidence, Carina. Did you visit the shop? (of course you did) :-))

  5. Oh hello Albert Hofman! I just googled you and you died aged 102!! You're the one who knew the good stuff me thinks.

  6. I probabilistically would not have made it past 65 without the GOOD stuff!!

  7. So you are also a saint?? This is getting better and better...
