Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Shameless self-promotion

The Bookwormslunch is now on Twitter:

And we have a shop on Etsy!

…. that's all for today :-))

…. but today there's more! Got something to shamelessly self-promote? Send me the details by email and I will promote it for you on Marie's Suitcase. But wait a minute, that's not self-promotion anymore, I hear you say. Well, that is true, but it just sounds better. We could have a new series (oh dear, like there are not enough series on this blog) called Shameless Self-Promotion Thursday. Don't be shy, send me anything you want to push for!!

Vous avez une promo a faire? La Valise de Marie s'en occupe gratuitement pour vous. Envoyez-moi les détails par courriel et je les publierai sur ce blog chaque jeudi!


  1. There must be something you can shamelessly self-promote. Any frying pan around? And hey, you've just inspired a new series called Shameless Self-Promotion Thursday. Thank you! :-))

  2. Great news!
    Have to think about the self-promotion thursday ;)

  3. Thank you Carina, I'm waiting for your self promotional material :-))

  4. Ha, I will soon send you some selfish material for self-promotion thursday. Not mail-art!
