Monday, 14 March 2016

At the Heiwajima Antique Fair

Just a few quick pictures from last week's Antique Fair in Heiwajima for you. Wish you could have been there with me!!

Oh, news flash, Taiken Japan just published my article about the fair. Check it out here!:


  1. Looks overwhelming. I had to sit down just to scroll through your pictures. Are there price tags on everything? And can you negotiate the price in Japan?
    I want the funny costume.

    1. One can negotiate the price, yes. However... I was trying to get a discount for buying three items (not very expensive ones but still too expensive for what they were IMHO, in other words just random pieces of metal he gathered on the street) and I got a "hey hey hey *I* decide the price, not you. Rude. And I didn't like him anyway so I left them there. Like that scene in Pretty Woman (at least in my mind. And I walked by his stand later on to show off all my shopping bags from OTHER, nice, sellers).
      Hey should I get that samurai armour next time I go so that you can run the Tokyo Marathon in it!! (instead of "that other" costume you were thinking of...).

  2. Oh my God -- you are killing me here. I HAVE to go there-- and then get a container to get everything home to SF. How are the prices? Or, shouldn't I ask....I saw A LOT of stuff I really want.

    1. I knooooooow. Right? It's held five times a year, Pamela, pick your season! And it's right beside the big weekly flea market. I think you might get palpitations :-) It's quite exhausting to do both events in one day though, too much to look at. But very cool. The prices at the fair are higher than at the market. It's all more highbrow, and the prices as well, but you can find a few affordable items. I sometimes wish I were rich, sigh....

  3. My mother loves kimonos. She would spend the family fortune (ha). It looks like lots of fun, and different. Great pics! Love visitng your site again!

    1. Thank you Rebecca! It's always great to see a comment from you! Yes, I'm sure your mum would have fun there, and you too! When you'll visit we'll spend our family fortune together! :-))

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