Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Cyndi With An Eye you still got it!

- Cyndi:  Tokyo!!! Genki??

- Tokyo:  … (shy clap clap clap)

- Cyndi:  Genki yo…

- Cyndi:  Tokyo!! Are you tired?? You sound tired. Listen, we all need to gambaro here and have…  FUN!!

- Tokyo:  …

- Cyndi:  And have what?

- Tokyo:  fun..

- Cyndi:  Alright!!

Ah Cyndi, we can see the magic in your hat ful of stars. We truly can. Thank you for a great gig, and please come back next year!

And if you've been good and you have 1hr24min to spend, here is an absolute classic for the 80's lovers that you are. Full concert au Zenith the Paris. A major blast of the past and an amazing performance. Don't you sometimes wish you could go back in time?


  1. Not sure to thank you for this blog. I just spent 45 mins watching the Paris concert, looking on the official website for concerts coming to Paris, and checking out her last CD.
    She's one of the greats. My friend use to be her florist in America. He has an autographed photo of her in his WC !
    Thanks for the blast from the past. And no, I don't want to go back. What a strange song to finish off a concert.

  2. She IS cool! So cool she even has a florist?! :-)) My WC would be very happy with an autographed picture of her. That, and a autographed bar code artwork.

  3. Funny Cyndi! The bouncing is very contagious. I bet that one special person bounced back home after that concert :)

  4. Marie, You have been to the USA many times don't you realize every American has a florist? It's in the Constitution right after the part about the right to bare arms.

  5. Carina, due to bounciness I had quite a bit of back pain after that show myself :-)

    I have seen the Constitution "in the flesh" when I was in DC, but I haven't seen many Americans with flowers in their hair to say the least.

  6. PS: I that what Guns N' Roses is about?

  7. I hope she sang "Money Changes Everything"?
