Monday, 1 December 2014

On the freezing side

The weather in DC was kinda stalactite/stalagmite like.

Wot? Cold drinks and ice cold water? Not even if it were a glass of Veuve Cliquot. Oh alright, just one glass of Veuve Cliquot, and then a hot chocolate please!


  1. YIKES!!! Icicles!!! I am scared of them. It sure does look cold but very beautiful with your Diana-camera-esque blurry photos. And, may I ask, how did you do that? Photo app on phone? Because I need to know. And ice water? No thank you. I just read in my book the French think it is bad bad bad to drink ice water with meals. Bad for digestion. I drink wine myself.

  2. There is only one way to keep warm.

  3. Thanks Pamela! The pictures were all taken with good old Instagram. You can add the blurry effect very easily after choosing the filter (all this on Instagram). I'm much ashamed to say that I left my "real" camera at home :-o
    Haha.. yes, you know what, the French think it's bad to drink ANY kind of water with meals, iced or not :-)) Keep reading, keep reading :-))

  4. Anonymous: yep. To sleep with your socks on.
