Monday, 19 May 2014

Au feu les mariés!

Alexia and Didier did extremely well dealing with an emergency right after stepping out of church where they had just signed the register. Now we wish them the best of luck for their road together. Keep the fire on!


  1. Merci Marie pour la diffusion de cet événement!
    Alexia et Didier, après une semaine de répits, ont repris leur boulot!
    Ils vont bien
    Gros Schmoutz germ et fa

  2. Now that you mention, anonymous, I see kinked up objects everywhere in this photo. What would Dr.Freud say.

    Oh bonjour Ger et fa! Ca doit être très dur de reprendre le boulot. Ils ont du passer une semaine a nettoyer leur maison. J'espere que les poissons rouges vont bien! :-))

  3. You know that it would be untrue
    You know that I would be a liar
    If I was to say to you
    Alexia, we couldn't get much higher

    Come on baby, light my fire
    Come on baby, light my fire
    Try to set the night on fire

  4. That has put a smile on my face, Monsieur Mojo Risin'

  5. But now… how do I get that damn song out of my head??
