Friday, 11 April 2014

Testing the new juicer - it squeezes alright

Ready to test that good old new juicer?

Oh yeah. No wonder my arms are so buff now! Good job Peeee. And now over to Eeedie for the rest of the business. It smells just wonderful….


  1. Beautifully sunny photos, so tantalising!!

  2. Thank you! Seeing the photos again brought back the wonderful fragrance to my mind. It's funny how smell memory works.

  3. Yes! I saw this at 10am and the limes and the salt made something stir on my taste-buds. I don't drink in the am..hmm, but that did happen once, didn't it..?.. but the recipe called for it. Ha ha!

  4. Hahaa, I do recall some wine at breakfast. To be fair, that was only once, yes.
