Thursday, 17 April 2014

The sunset area

The sunset area is my favourite place in the entire farm property. When the sun gets low one can just sit there, alone with nature (and a glass of champagne, and Pinka), and watch the sky change minute by minute. This must have been the most splendid sunset I have ever witnessed (the colours of the pictures have not been modified in any way). Girls, you are so lucky to have such a place, and you made it so special.


  1. Red sky at night, shephards delight. And with legs like those, well that will have to be another sunset on another day.
    Sincerely, David Stafford

  2. Oh hi David! So nice to see you here! Vizma will be very happy with your little poem and your compliments. All of this is hers :-)) she does have killer legs.

  3. Red sky in the morning, shepherd's warning. Did David compliment me? Another sunset on another day? Luckily you're the poet and you understand these things, Marie. Killer legs I understand!! Merci!!

  4. Viz, I think you forgot the part where Davis wrote 'and with legs like those' :-)
