Saturday, 19 October 2013

Enoshima (3)

Exchange coupon for tako sembe cracker

Queuing for food, national pastime. Standing in front of a popular restaurant for one hour wouldn't scare away anyone here. In Enoshima giant octopus crackers are all the rage and a reason for bulging queues clogging the narrow streets. That's most of the charm about it, I guess.


  1. OMG OMG OMG!! Octopus crackers!!? WTF? Are they yummy? Those graphics are beautiful! Hope you picked up some wrappers for me!! I see occy mail art!!!

  2. WTF it is!! :-)))... I'm sorry Sweat, you know I love you, but those queues were just TOO much for lazy-turbo-Peeee. Let's put it on the Tokyo list.
