Saturday, 28 February 2015

Jimbocho Booktown

The neighbourhood of Jimbocho is one of my favourite places for a field trip in Tokyo. Jimbocho is basically a 1km long alignment of used books stores. You can find a bit of everything there, from cheap magazines to pricey collectables a hundred years old. When I visit I mainly look for old books cheap enough to cut up for mail art and the such. I never came home empty handed, but there are good days and bad days, sometimes depending on what the shop keepers are willing to sell you (a bit of a tricky one for me, that's why I only go every six months or so). I will show you last week's catch at Jimbocho in a future blog.

Brushtown in the middle of Booktown?

Sunday, 22 February 2015

Today's Special

Lunch today :-) Salt water eel larva sushi

Thursday, 19 February 2015

A Library

Those books were found in the library of Michael Dumontier and Neil Farber over at Personal Message, one of my favourite blogs. They have an extensive collection of titles and it's a real pleasure to go through their shelves! My favourite one right now is the last one if you scroll down :-))

Saturday, 14 February 2015

Chiharu's shoes

This is Japanese artist Chiharu Shiota's installation of 350 shoes at the Sackler Gallery (ongoing exhibition), Washington DC. The Sackler itself is a pretty low key kind of museum (IMHO, more interesting for the very adjacent National Museum of African Art) but I really enjoyed seeing this piece.  Each unpaired shoe comes with a note from its owner. An exploration of identity, connection, belonging and emotion.

Wednesday, 11 February 2015

Dance Report - on hiding

hide in the cupboard
a) until your family starts to wonder
b) until your family forgets you
(make choice)

Yoko Ono - Grapefruit, 1964

Saturday, 7 February 2015

For sale or lease

I used to like street photography a lot. Real street photography, I mean, not just walking around with my iPad and taking pictures with Instagram. I'm hoping to go back to street style one day in the not-so-far future.

Tuesday, 3 February 2015

Wizards vs. Magic (Part 2)

I almost forgot that I still owe you Part 2 of Wizards vs. Magic. The photos are not great (it's Instagram after all) but it will help documenting the entertainment. And entertainment there was! Not a dull moment. Thinking back, maybe there was more entertainment show than there was actual basketball. Or something like 50/50. Every time-out, every stoppage of the clock by the referee, every break between quarters had to be filled with… errrrmm…stuff.

Interviews of the players, asking them wether they prefer ducks or horses for instance (true story!).
Because I think they trample you? :-)))
(Rubber duckies won)

A wedding proposal after a fake game where she had no idea

The Spot The Gecko game. This was all too fast for me and I didn't quite get it. There must have been a gecko somewhere in the audience, dunno.

The Hot Shot Challenge. One shot to get your mortgage entirely payed off!! Mr.Bradley missed the opportunity, unfortunately.

A choreography by the Wiz Kids.

After this, special guest Private Cooper who came back from the war (I can't remember which war it was he came back from, too many wars going on right now) gave a speech, and we all sang one more welled up national anthem.

The promise of free food chick-fil-a chicken sandwich….

And yes, that visiting player DID miss two consecutive free throws!! Free chick-fil-a chicken sandwich for everyone!!  

The Kiss Cam. The best kissing couple on camera wins two season tickets.

Rub. Got a little shoulder action (?) :-o  I think they won!!

The T-Shirt Toss. Always a favorite.

Well that was a very entertaining evening, thank you Wizards!!